NOTE: This game is most fun played with a large group of students with two M2L fitness cubes.
Directions: Students stand and form a circle. Review movements on both M2L fitness cubes to ensure students understand them. Give one cube to a student on one side of the circle; give the second to another student on the opposite side.
Get started: Once the music begins, students will pass the cube to their neighbor in the direction dictated by the teacher/student leader. When the music stops, the students holding the cubes must roll the cubes. All students in the circle get a choice of performing either of the two movements on the rolled cubes. Once the movements are completed, the music re-starts and students begin passing the cubes again. Depending on group dynamics, you could have the student who ends up with the cube perform an extra movement (e.g. 3 push-ups) – this adds a bit more fun and spice to the game!