Get ready: Familiarize yourself and your students with the following movements and yoga/dynamic stretch poses from the M2L fitness cube and card deck. Provide instruction as needed to ensure students understand the movements. Make sure chairs are pushed in and that students have a bubble of space around them.

Toe touches

Jumping Jacks

Hop on left foot

Hop on right foot

Curl-ups in standing position

Desk push-ups

Tree pose

Run in place

March in place

Lunges on right leg

Lunges on left leg

Get started: Ask students to stand. The teacher or student leader begins calling out movements for students to perform if preceded by the command, “Simon says.” If the teacher does NOT say “Simon says,” and the student remains still. If the student moves, they are “out” and should return to their seat. The winner is the student who listens and follows directions the best and is the last one standing.