NOTE: A fun way to get to know a new group of students!
Get ready: Decide on two movements that will be used for the game and demonstrate them to the students. Jumping jacks, running in place, pushups, arm circles, tree pose, etc.
Get started: Instruct students to choose one of the two movements to perform based on their preference. For example, if your movements are jumping jacks and tree pose, you might say: If you prefer the beach, do jumping jacks. If you prefer the mountains, do a tree pose. Other fun questions are:
Winter or Summer
Flying or Swimming
Hamster or Fish
Red or Blue
Pizza or Burgers
Creative Writing or Math
Apple or Android
Chocolate Milk or Lemonade
Mr. Beast or Mark Rober
Mind Craft or Fortnite
Dogs or Cats
You get the idea…Have fun!