دعهم يتحركون! تساعد الحركة الهادفة طوال اليوم الدراسي الطلاب من جميع الأعمار على البقاء في مهامهم والتركيز بشكل أفضل ، مما يجعل المتعلم أكثر سعادة وهدوءًا – والفصول الدراسية.
الجلوس النشطدراجات ثابتةتدريبات المعلمينتحديات الحركةمجموعات الأدوات
Active Seating
Active seating—like under-desk pedals, accordion stools, balance disks, stability balls and stationary bikes—is a super popular entryway program. Teachers get it. Students get it. It’s tangible. The seating is our first step in building deeper relationships with our teachers and students.
It addresses some of the most pressing needs students are facing today: Social and emotional learning. So many students are struggling with mental health, absenteeism and learning loss due to the pandemic. Movement is a critical tool that gives students the power to overcome feelings that get in their way of learning.
In fact, 80% of teachers report that active seating helps their students’ social and emotional learning. And 75% of teachers report their students are more on task. That’s a huge deal. Students need every advantage—and active seating is at the top of the list!
Stationary Bikes
Everyone loves these stationary bikes so they can read and ride at the same time. We set them up in school libraries and hallways so they can be used by all students in turn. Our goal is to get them in all Alexandria City Public Schools.
Teacher Trainings
At Move2Learn, we often say we give teachers tools they need to get their students moving in the classroom. During M2L Teacher Trainings, we show teachers how to use the tools to optimize learning and fun with tips and tricks for successful implementation. We even work in a quick science lesson so students can begin to understand the mind-body connection and the benefits of movement on the brain.
Movement Challenges
We give teachers tools to get students moving – they put them into action during the M2L Movement Challenges. Students participate in brain boosts twice daily over the course of a month with their teacher by using the M2L Teacher Toolkits or M2L Brain Boost Videos, and earn money for their school. Everyone’s a winner!
Recognizing the need for teachers to have simple ways to get kids active right at their fingertips, the Move2Learn Toolkit contains fun, heart-rate elevating activities to do in the classroom.
Kits contain items like movement cubes, fitness decks and fitness clock posters with suggested activities like jumping jacks, running in place and crunches.
Move2Learn هو 501 (c) (3) الحائز على جائزة والذي يعمل على تسوية مجال التعلم للطلاب المحرومين تقليديا والمهملين.
تعرف على المزيد حول برامج M2L
يمكنك هنا الحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول المقاعد النشطة والدراجات الثابتة ونوادي ما قبل المدرسة وبعدها وتحديات الحركة ومجموعات الأدوات والمزيد. ما عليك سوى ملء هذا النموذج البسيط وسنتواصل معك!