Meet Eduin, Samuel Tucker Elementary School 1st grader, and his teacher, Ms. Grossman. Eduin uses the MOVE2LEARN under-desk pedals that give him the freedom to move at his desk, helping him stay on task and get the blood flowing to learn his best!
His smart teacher says: “My students have shown much better focus when given the opportunity to move during lessons!”
Helping our students like Eduin feel and learn their best through movement is what we do all year long. Our programming revolves around the all-important mind-body connection—whether in or out of the classroom—to prime students’ brains for learning.

Read on for our mid-year/summer update!
The 2022-23 School Year
- Outfitted 48 classrooms with Move2Learn Active Seating Packages, benefitting 1,200 students K-12.
- Launched 14 Move2Learn Out of School Time Programs—like running, yoga and dance—free to students K-12.
- Developed 5 Move2Learn social and emotional lessons that teachers K-12 use to help students work through emotions that get in the way of learning.
Looking ahead to 2023-24
- Deliver 70 Move2Learn Active Seating Packages to benefit 1,750 more students K-12.
- Manage 20 Move2Learn Out of School Time Programs, with 10 returning and 10 brand new, for students K-12.
- Develop 5 additional Move2Learn social and emotional lessons for teachers and students K-12.